

Turnkey RACE Buggy

The Wrath Ultimate Race Buggy is a larger version of the Wrath Trail Buggy. These buggies are specifically designed to compete in the Ultra4, SCORE, and Dirt Riot series in the 4400 and 4800 classes. These races offer some of harshest conditions in off-road racing. In order to survive these conditions, the buggy chassis must be more rigid, wider, and longer than the trail chassis for added durability, high-speed stability, and packaging constraints. These vehicles are designed to travel at 100+ mph through the desert, as well as survive the massive shock loads during the rock sections of each event. All chassis are are designed in CAD and the tubing is produced with CNC laser cutting and bending machines for the ultimate in precision assembly and quality control.  

Race vehicles have many more components installed than trail buggies in order to meet the sanctioning body technical and safety requirements.  In addition, a race vehicle must be designed to allow you or your crew to easily assemble or disassemble all of the critical components during a pit stop or in the field.

Wrath Race Buggy Features Include: